
Dokter Spesialis Saraf

Dr. Tan Wee Yong

Jam Praktek

Sangat disarankan untuk membuat janji temu sebelum datang untuk menghindari kekecewaan

Dr. Tan Wee Yong

Dr Kavitha adalah spesialis rehabilitasi saraf, stroke, cedera otak traumatis, cedera tulang belakang, serebral palsi, serta rehabilitasi ortopedi.

A profile of a doctor is an effective personal marketing that doctors utilise to showcase their specialisation, qualifications and expertise. Creating a profile is beneficial for doctors as it ensures that others around them know their background

Spesialisasi :

Stroke including hyperacute stroke, primary and secondary stroke prevention, neurological diseases

Kualifikasi :

Konsultan Dokter Spesialis Saraf

Experience :

7 years, New York Urgent Medical Care Serving California

Treatment & Programmes

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