
Interventional, Non-surgical Orthopaedics

Shifting From Joint Surgeries To Joint Repair

Advancing medical technologies are moving towards less invasive orthopaedic-type procedures as alternatives to common medical approaches such as drugs and surgery.

Regenerative Orthopaedics focuses on encouraging your body’s natural healing ability through non-surgical, minimally invasive procedures. It encourages your body to heal and strengthen damaged areas to restore function.

It involves precise injections into the affected areas to prompt repair by improving blood supply & strengthening the tissues, thereby promoting a natural healing process.

Applying Cell-based Therapy In Regenerative Medicine

Cell-based therapies promote repair to damaged bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Each procedure is customised to an individual patient’s needs according to the nature and severity of the injury or condition.

Some of the applications for cell-based therapy include:

  • Cartilage regeneration
  • Reducing inflammation in joints and soft tissues
  • Slowing down cartilage degeneration
  • Pain management

Regenerative Orthopaedics

At ReGen Rehab Hospital, our comprehensive services take you on through the process of Bringing you Back to your best self.
We offer a unique combination of regenerative and rehabilitation medicine to achieve holistic, sustainable results.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Using concentrated platelets from patient’s own blood plasma to accelerate healing of injured tendons, muscles, ligaments and joints.

It is used to treat common musculoskeletal injuries including tendon injuries like tennis elbows and tendonitis, acute sports injuries, and post-surgical repair.

Cartilage Regeneration

Applying stem cell therapy to stimulate a patient’s own cartilage cells to grow, kick-starting the natural regenerative process of the body.

Stem cells have the ability to develop into many specialised cell types, from muscle cells, bone cells, and cartilage cells. Find out if stem cell therapy is suitable treatment for you below.

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